
How the legendary Soviet T-62 tank turns into the BMPT-62


Image source: Photo: kimo dial

The legendary Soviet medium tank T-62 was a participant in many local wars and conflicts. Moreover, in a number of them he quite successfully resisted Western-made machines. Currently, this machine is in service with more than two dozen states, and there are various projects to modernize it and give it new qualities.

For example, the Algerian version of turning the "sixty-second" into a tank support combat vehicle (BMPT) is considered very interesting, during which the massive turret with the gun is dismantled, and the Berezhok combat compartment with a 30-mm 2A42 cannon, a 30-mm AG-30 automatic grenade launcher, a 7.62mm machine gun is installed instead and anti-tank guided missiles "Kornet".

To do this, the tank hulls have been specially modified, they will have additional protection, including dynamic, side anti-cumulative screens. Certain measures will certainly be taken to strengthen the protection of the combat module.

Image source: Photo: kimo dial

Assumptions were made about improving mobility, for which high-power engines will be introduced.

The first photographic materials with upgraded samples were lit up last year, then it was reported that the Algerian military was going to call them BMPT-62.

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