
The Blow of persuasion: how Russia continued attacks on Ukraine's military infrastructure

Image source: Фото: РИА Новости

Among the destroyed objects is the place of concentration of tanks delivered from abroad in Kiev

The Ministry of Defense told about the destruction of tanks delivered from Europe in Kiev and the defeat of factory workshops in the Donbass, in which Ukrainian formations were repairing military equipment. Experts note that Russia uses a huge list of high-precision weapons, which refutes Kiev's hopes of exhausting its arsenals. During the day, a MiG-29 fighter was shot down in an air battle, and Russian air defense systems hit ten drones, including one Bayraktar.

Attack on supplies

The armed forces of the Russian Federation continue to strike at the objects of the military and transport infrastructure of Ukraine.

— High-precision long—range air-launched missiles on the outskirts of Kiev destroyed T-72 tanks supplied by Eastern European countries and other armored vehicles located in the buildings of a car repair company, - said the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

In addition, factory workshops were destroyed in Kramatorsk, Druzhkovka and Chas Yara, where repair and restoration of military equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine damaged during the fighting was carried out.

During the day, the control points of the 81st and 95th airborne assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as six areas of concentration of manpower and Ukrainian military equipment, were hit, the Defense Ministry reported.

— Russia clearly refutes the claims of foreign intelligence agencies and the Kiev regime that it is running out of high—precision missiles, - military expert Dmitry Boltenkov told Izvestia. — Targeted strikes on strategic military infrastructure facilities continue daily, although back in March it was stated that Russian arsenals were almost empty.

All Russian aviation missiles were tested in the battles, including the X-101 and X-555 long-range aviation, the latest hypersonic Daggers and advanced developments for tactical and army aviation. The ground forces are intensively using Iskanders with aeroballistic and cruise missiles. Surface ships and submarines of the Black Sea Fleet shoot at ground targets with "Calibers", and coastal complexes with supersonic "Onyx". And this is not a complete list, Dmitry Boltenkov noted.

Operational-tactical missile system (OTRK) "Iskander" during the execution of regular firing tasks during a special military operation in Ukraine

Image Source: Photo: TASS/Press Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The expert drew attention to the fact that the strikes on the plant in Kiev fell on the territory most protected by air defense means. Back in February, long-range S-300 and medium-sized Buk-M1 complexes were deployed in Kiev. Nevertheless, modern Russian missiles successfully break through this defense.

The military department noted that during the day, as a result of high-precision strikes by aviation missiles, two launchers of the Osa-AKM anti-aircraft missile system, two combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, three warehouses of rocket and artillery weapons, as well as an AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar made by the United States were also destroyed.

Operational-tactical and army aviation hit three control points, 65 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment, and three ammunition depots.

In total, as a result of air strikes, more than 350 nationalists, ten tanks and armored vehicles, two installations of multiple rocket launchers "Grad", nine artillery pieces, 14 special vehicles, two ammunition depots, as well as tanks with fuel intended for the grouping of AFU troops in the Donbass were destroyed, the Defense Ministry said.

In an air battle over the territory of the DPR, Russian aviation hit a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter.

Air defense intercepted and destroyed an AN-26 military transport aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force carrying weapons and military equipment, as well as ten unmanned aerial vehicles, including one Bayraktar TB2 over the Kharkiv region.

— In addition, two tactical missiles "Tochka-U" were intercepted over the settlement of Novogeorgievka in the Mykolaiv region, and three Ukrainian shells of the multiple launch rocket system "Hurricane" were shot down in the areas of the settlements of Sukhaya Kamenka, Dolgenkoe and Kamenka in the Kharkiv region, — Igor Konashenkov said.

Photo: RIA Novosti/Press Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Image source: iz.ru

Rocket troops and artillery hit 46 control points, 123 artillery and mortar units in firing positions, as well as 498 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, a total of 189 aircraft, 129 helicopters, 1,114 unmanned aerial vehicles, 330 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,416 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 470 multiple rocket launchers, 1,778 field artillery and mortars, as well as 3,419 units of special equipment have been destroyed since the beginning of the special military operation military automotive equipment.

The paratroopers ' breakthrough

The Ministry of Defense told about the soldiers and officers who performed feats during the military operation and presented for awards.

Senior Lieutenant Artem Ivanov from the first days of the special military operation led the anti-aircraft missile calculation to repel enemy airstrikes. The positions of Russian servicemen were attacked by Ukrainian nationalists who tried to hit critical objects with the help of attack drones and tactical missiles "Tochka-U". Artyom Ivanov, having assessed the situation, immediately proceeded to defeat enemy air targets, destroying the Tochka-U operational-tactical missile and two Bayraktar TB2 attack unmanned aerial vehicles.

Senior Warrant Officer Alexander Abramov, as part of the repair and evacuation group of the airborne assault regiment, repeatedly delivered damaged military and special equipment to a temporary collection point, where he was engaged in its restoration. Alexander Abramov's regiment fought fierce battles with Ukrainian nationalists who fired mortars at Russian paratroopers. After another volley, the BMD of the senior ensign was damaged. Despite the continuous shelling, he quickly eliminated all malfunctions, took the crew of the combat vehicle out of enemy shelling and returned to the battlefield to evacuate other damaged equipment. There, Alexander Abramov discovered a BMD with a faulty turret turning mechanism and a shell-shocked gunner who was unconscious. The senior ensign promptly restored the tower's operability, after which he destroyed more than 10 nationalists with fire from it.

The landing of the tactical landing units of the airborne troops of the Russian Federation

Image source: Photo: RIA Novosti

The airborne assault company of Sergeant Nikolai Gubar was advancing on areas controlled by Ukrainian nationalists. The sergeant's BMD came under enemy mortar fire, was damaged and caught fire. Despite the difficult conditions of the battle, Nikolai Gubar organized the defense of the combat vehicle and, together with the gunner-operator, evacuated the wounded driver. The crew was cut off from the main forces and decided to move towards the Russian units, but came across an armed enemy formation. The militants fired at the crew with small arms and grenade launchers, but despite this, the Russian paratroopers skillfully maneuvered and destroyed the nationalists with accurate fire. Thanks to the courage and competent actions of Nikolai Gubar, "the personnel managed to return to the main forces of the airborne assault battalion, destroying a large number of nationalists," the Defense Ministry said.

Anton Lavrov

Andrey Fedorov

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