
Promobot has created a center for the development of robotic solutions

Image source: © РИА Новости / Павел Лисицын

The Russian manufacturer of service robots "Promobot" has announced the launch of a center for the development of robotic solutions. The Center, in partnership with market leaders, carries out activities in the field of creating scalable solutions in the direction of mechatronics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and other areas of robotics.

The list of the center's competencies includes the creation of robots both on the company's own platforms and on those developed jointly with partners. According to representatives of the company "Promobot", the implementation of third-party projects within the enterprise was carried out earlier, but now the activity has undergone a number of organizational changes and has been withdrawn into a separate line of activity. So, in the course of the work, separate production facilities were allocated, as well as teams of designers and developers.

"Since the founding of the company, we regularly receive requests for the development of robotic solutions for the food, mining, agricultural and other industries. Our goal is to develop solutions that can replace imported products in our country and make them confident competition in the international market. To do this, we were able to organize all the necessary processes and bring this activity into a separate direction of the company," said Oleg Kivokurtsev, Development Director of Promobot.

The work of the center is carried out on a project basis, and all developments are carried out within the framework of customer requests, under the existing infrastructure of enterprises. Priority in development is given to projects with high scaling potential. So, the development center has already developed robotic manipulators, a patrol robot for the security industry, as well as a robo-cafe. In the near future, the center plans to implement projects of logistics robots, collaborative and industrial manipulators, as well as robots for the security industry.

The developers of the center have many years of experience in creating robotic solutions that have high quality, functionality and durability and have already proven themselves on the international market, in forty-three countries of the world.

According to the developers, today the center is already negotiating the implementation of projects with large industrial enterprises in the Moscow, Leningrad and Novosibirsk regions, as well as in the Perm Region.

The company "Promobot" was founded in 2015 in Perm. Since the same year, he has been a resident of Skolkovo. "Promobots" work in 43 countries of the world as administrators, promoters, consultants, guides and concierges, replacing or supplementing "live" employees. Promobot robots can be found in Sberbank, the Museum of Modern History of Russia, MFC, Baltimore-Washington Airport, Dubai Mall. All the company's products are manufactured and developed in Russia.

Meanwhile, after problems with finding employees during the pandemic, Singapore's business structures began to intensively introduce robots to perform a number of tasks - from monitoring construction sites to scanning library shelves.

The thriving city-state relies heavily on attracting foreign workers, but from December 2019 to September 2021, their number fell by more than 235 thousand. This is reported by the local Ministry of Employment, according to whose statistics, restrictions related to the spread of COVID-19 have accelerated the pace of the introduction of automation and new technologies by companies.

For example, at one of Gammon's construction sites, a well-known model of the Boston Dynamics Spot robot scans the surrounding space to assess the progress of work, during which the data is transmitted to the control room. According to the representative of the company, to assess the situation with the help of a robot, only one person is now required instead of two who previously performed the work manually. The company believes that the shortage of workers, which arose due to the pandemic, still persists, thanks to which autonomous systems are being developed.

The local National Library presented two robots capable of scanning the marking of 100 thousand books stored on shelves — this is about 30% of the entire collection. This reduces the burden on local employees who previously performed manual book systematization work.

It is known that Singapore uses 605 robots for every 10 thousand employees in production — in terms of the scale of implementation of such systems, it ranks second in the world after South Korea, in which 932 robots account for 10 thousand according to 2021 — this is the statistics of the International Federation of Robotics.

However, experts note that the widespread introduction of robots is unlikely to be total — people still need a "human touch" in many areas of service.

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