
The Lithuanian Defense Minister announced a fundraiser for the purchase of the Bayraktar TB2 attack drone for Ukraine


Image source: topwar.ru

The Armed Forces of Ukraine will soon be replenished with the Bayraktar TB2 attack drone, the UAV will be delivered to Kiev by Lithuania, and funds have already been raised in Vilnius for its purchase.

Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anushauskas intends to purchase a Turkish-made Bayraktar attack drone for the Ukrainian army. And since Lithuania is not doing well with funds anyway, they are all going to help Ukraine, he decided to announce the collection of money by posting the appeal and details on his page in one of the social networks banned in Russia.

According to the minister, it is required to collect 5 million euros in total for the purchase of a drone, at the moment it was possible to collect 1 million and this in one day. It remains unclear whether we are talking about one drone or a set of three UAVs and a control station.

Lithuanians are buying BAYRAKTAR for Ukraine. We collected €1 million in one day (we need € 5 million)

- Anushauskas wrote on his page.

Any details of the purchase of the drone, the timing of its transfer to the Armed Forces and everything else are still unknown, but it will definitely not be included in the latest batch of military aid collected by Lithuania for Ukraine. Vilnius has already announced the shipment to Kiev of a batch of military equipment, which will include: 20 American M-113 armored personnel carriers, 10 army trucks and 10 all-terrain vehicles for mine clearance. The Lithuanians estimated all this equipment at 15.5 million euros.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the information that Lithuania will present one strike drone to the Armed Forces of Ukraine caused an enthusiastic reaction, as if they were being handed over a whole regiment of combat aircraft. The Ukrainian press writes that Bayraktar TB2 allegedly caused great damage to the Russian army, destroying many armored vehicles and anti-aircraft systems. The fact that to date, Russian air defense systems have shot down almost all Ukrainian Bayraktar TB2, they prefer not to remember.

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