
The division of unmanned surface ships of the US Navy will test its experimental marine drones during the RIMPAC 2022 exercises


Image source: topwar.ru

This summer, the division of unmanned surface ships of the US Navy (USVDIV One) will send four experimental drones to Hawaii for testing during the RIMPAC 2022 exercises. Testing of promising vehicles is aimed at exploring the possibilities of using drones to increase the lethality of the surface fleet.

RIMPAC 2022 will be the largest mission for USVDIV One, which will involve the unmanned trimarans USV Sea Hunter and USV Seahawk, as well as two support ships Ghost Fleet Nomad and Ranger.

The division of unmanned surface ships of the US Navy was created less than a week ago - on May 13 - in Port Wenham, California. The new unit was headed by Commander Jerry Daly. USVDIV One is tasked with accelerating the introduction of unmanned platforms, which are designed to increase the lethality of the surface fleet of the US Navy.

The largest international naval exercises RIMPAC-2022 will take place from the end of June to the beginning of August. 42 ships, five submarines, more than 170 aircraft and almost 25,000 military personnel from 27 countries will take part in them.

Daly said that his staff has already teamed up with the headquarters of the US 3rd Fleet in San Diego, which is responsible for RIMPAC. He noted that the tests conducted during the upcoming exercises will allow the USVDIV One to collect the necessary data, which will eventually help to understand how to optimally integrate unmanned vessels into the existing Navy.

The USVDIV One will be a catalyst for innovation, thanks to which we will soon be able to use unmanned surface vehicles as part of the Pacific Fleet. The introduction of such systems will increase the speed of decision-making and the lethality of the Navy, significantly enhancing our combat advantage

- Vice Admiral Roy Kitchener, commander of the surface forces of the US Navy Pacific Fleet, said about the new unit.

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