Image source: topwar.ru
In recent years, the United States has been concerned about increasing the power of its Naval forces. This is happening against the background of a constant increase in the Chinese Navy. But even in such a situation, the command of the US Navy did not abandon plans for the disposal of ships. At the same time, even new ships that are less than three years from commissioning want to be scrapped.
Admiral Michael Gilday, Commander of Naval Operations, believes that a number of ships cannot perform their combat missions. They cannot be used. He stated his position during a speech in the House of Representatives of the US Congress. In particular, the admiral noted that anti-submarine ships cannot perform their main task. Technical systems on ships do not work, modern submarines cannot track, which makes such ships virtually useless, and their maintenance is not profitable.
Decommissioning nine warships will save approximately $391 million in 2023. Of course, it is very curious that for the sake of such funds, American admirals dispose of ships, while $ 40 billion is transferred to Ukraine, but this is a separate issue.
The coastal warships themselves cost the American budget $ 3.2 billion. Thus, it will take ten years to recoup the costs of their construction. But the Navy is ready to do it. Although USS Indianapolis, USS Billings and USS Wichita were commissioned in 2019. They did not serve for three years, but managed to incur the displeasure of the naval command.
These ships were intended for operations in the Pacific Ocean. That is, initially they were prepared to confront the Chinese fleet. However, they did not take into account the level of technical development of the modern PLA Navy.
However, the last word in any case remains with Congress. Earlier, congressmen have already rejected requests from the military to decommission the ships. The House of Representatives is concerned about how the reduction in the number of ships will affect the growing gap in the number of ships of the US Navy and the Chinese Navy.
The Naval Command is pressing numerous problems of ships in the coastal zone, including repeated breakdowns and limited armament. The ships were originally going to be used in shallow water, for example in the South China Sea. However, apparently, the sailors themselves realized the futility of such use.
Adam Smith, a member of the House of Representatives, who chairs the Armed Services Committee, noted that these ships are not ready for anything, they cannot be used, as they constantly break down. In addition, the cost of the ships is very high, especially when compared with their real capabilities. In fact, we are talking about money thrown away: billions of dollars have gone, but the fleet has not received capable ships.
Adam Smith was supported by Republican Senator from Oklahoma Jim Inhofe, who noted the fallacy of betting on coastal warships. According to Inhofe, the main focus of the US Navy should now be on expanding the capabilities of the fleet and increasing the number of ships.
But the Pentagon is still defending the coastal warship program. In particular, the official representative of the American military department, John Kirby, tried to intercede for them. He stated that the ships "serve a specific purpose," but what is the purpose? However, Kirby also noted that the US Navy is working on creating a new class of ships that would be optimally suited to respond to challenges from China and Russia. These promising ships should have greater capabilities than LCS.