
An armored homemade vehicle based on the BMP-1 was thrown into battle in Syria

Image source: rg.ru

During the fighting in the Syrian city of Hasaka, Kurdish formations used an unusual tracked homemade armored vehicle against militants of the terrorist group "IG" banned in Russia.

It can be seen that when it was created, elements from the Soviet infantry fighting vehicle BMP-1 were used, in particular ice rinks, of which, however, there are five pieces on each side, and not six, as in the original. Tracked belts and some body parts are also borrowed from the "unit".

The latter had to be thoroughly reworked. The Oryx blog demonstrates the stages of creating one such armored personnel carrier from a battered sample picked up on the battlefield. Work on it, in fact, was carried out in artisanal conditions, hence the not too high quality of the product.

The driver-mechanic received windows with armored glass. Four similar viewing devices appeared in the landing compartment, here loopholes are embedded in the sides, allowing the use of small arms. In the stern there is a hatch for the entrance and exit of infantrymen.

At the same time, judging by the illustrations, there is an option without windows and loopholes at all.

Initially, in the photos of 2019, there was a rotating closed tower, similar to those of the Czechoslovak OT-64.

Later, they began to install simpler rectangular structures that allow mounting various large-caliber machine guns.

The Kurds have previously created various unusual armored vehicles, including on the basis of tractors with 12.7-mm DShK and W85, 14.5-mm KPVT or 73-mm 2A28 "Thunder" guns that have received reservations.

Alexey Moiseev

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