
J-20 fighters from the 1st Brigade of the PLA Air Force


The original was taken from a colleague of imp_navigator in J-20 fighters from the 1st Brigade of the PLA Air Force

Beautiful and interesting photos and videos of J-20 fighters from the 1st Brigade of the People's Liberation Army Air Force of China. Currently, J-20 fighters are in service with three combat brigades of the Air Force (9th, 1st and 5th brigades) and two more combat training centers (Dingxin and Cangzhou). This is what is known for sure. The estimated total number of J-20s should probably already be at least 80-90 cars. At least in the frames from these videos, the factory serial numbers of some CB0255 and CB0256 aircraft were lit up, that is, these are, in theory, 55 and 56 cars from the second factory J-20 series, which is produced with Chinese WS-10C engines. And in the first factory J-20 series, which came with AL-31F engines, there must have been at least 25-30 cars. At least the car of the first series with the factory serial number CB0121 is known, that is, the 21st car from the first series.


Another couple of good shots of the WS-10C engine nozzles that are now being installed on the J-20.

Well, another point was noticed by attentive observers. The remaining J-11BS of the first factory series, which in the second half of the 2000s were the only J-11BS produced with AL-31F engines, were eventually transplanted to WS-10 engines.

via https://twitter.com/KushigumoAkane/status/1483322709916352514


It was

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