
The Dmitry Donskoy nuclear submarine is 40 years old

Image source: © ПО "Севмаш"

TSAMTO, December 29. December 29 marked the 40th anniversary of the signing of the acceptance certificate of the heavy nuclear-powered strategic submarine Dmitry Donskoy. The nuclear-powered project 941 was built on Sevmash (part of USC).

The laying of the submarine took place on June 30, 1976, the construction lasted five and a half years. The heavy cruiser Dmitry Donskoy became the lead in a series of six ships. Especially for the creation of nuclear-powered ships of the third generation, a grandiose reconstruction was carried out at Sevmash, a new boathouse was erected – the largest covered structure for the construction of nuclear submarines in Europe.

The project of the ship was developed in the St. Petersburg Central Design Bureau of Marine Equipment "Rubin" under the leadership of Sergey Kovalev. The responsible deliverer is Alexander Belopolsky, the delivery mechanic is Grigory Pavlyuk. More than a thousand enterprises from all over the country took part in the creation of the nuclear submarine. "They worked like in the war" - this is how the shipyard characterized the pace of construction of the ship. At Sevmash, 1,219 employees were awarded orders and medals. In 1989, the Dmitry Donskoy submarine returned to Sevmash for repair and modernization. The shipbuilders actually gave the submarine a second life by refitting it for testing the Bulava ballistic missile.

"This is a grandiose project that only such a great country as the Soviet Union could master," said Mikhail Budnichenko, CEO of Sevmash. – No fleet in the world has such ships and will not have them in the near future. Today, the heavy nuclear submarine Dmitry Donskoy provides tests of the fourth-generation submarines of the Yasen-M and Borey-A projects being built at Sevmash, helping them to take their first sea steps."

The message is posted in open access on the website of JSC "PO "Sevmash".

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