The Norwegian company Nammo is testing a drone with an M72 anti-tank grenade launcher mounted on it. The new weapon can operate in a swarm, the company said in a statement.
For testing, a conventional commercial quadcopter was used, on which a light RPG of 66 mm caliber was vertically mounted. An armed drone hovered over the target - an old minibus - and hit it with the first shot. The roof of the car effectively flew off.
Having armed the drone with a grenade launcher, the Norwegians expect to dramatically increase the range of the low-power M72 (the standard does not exceed 350 meters) and expand its capabilities by attacking armored vehicles in the upper, least protected projection.
The M72 LAW is an American anti-tank grenade launcher from the Vietnam War. The US Army abandoned it in favor of the more modern M136, but the LAW is still being produced - including Nammo - and is in service with a number of countries.
Anton Valagin