
The trapped M1A2 Abrams tank was shown on video

Image source: rg.ru

A new incident with the main battle tank of the American army M1A2 has been recorded in the USA. A video has appeared on social networks in which you can see Abrams with a 120-mm cannon buried in the ground. At the same time, the front part of the case is also deeply buried in the ground.

The incident, apparently, was the fault of the crew, who, during exercises on rough terrain, showed inattention when maneuvering and drove the tank into this kind of trap at high speed.

Given the considerable mass of Abrams, exceeding 63,000 kg, the evacuation service specialists will have to make considerable efforts to get him out.

The gun barrel could have been damaged, it is possible that it will have to be replaced with a new one. In the future, other malfunctions of the material part may be detected.

In this case, in principle, there is nothing extraordinary, this happens from time to time in many armies of the world. For example, two years ago, in conditions of poor visibility, the Merkava Mark IV tank of the Israel Defense Forces overturned in the mountains near the border with Lebanon.

Relatively recently, also during the exercises, the armored tractor BPz-3 Buffel of the Canadian Army, which was trying to rescue the stuck Leopard-2A6M, lay up with its tracks.

You can also recall more serious emergencies in the US ground forces. So, Abrams of the 2nd Cavalry Division completely burned down on the territory of one of the largest military bases Fort Hood (Texas) in March last year.

In July 2020, during night shooting at one of the ranges, the M1A2 shot down a shell of the same type of combat vehicle. As a result, the tank was damaged, and one of the crew members - the gunner - was seriously injured.

Alexey Moiseev

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Comments [1]
17.11.2021 17:04
Дело было не в бабине раз...ай сидел в кабине.
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