Image source: vestnik-rm.ru
In the early 70s, a very interesting tank was designed in the USSR, even by modern standards. We are talking about the Chelyabinsk main combat Facility 780.
Its peculiarity was that the entire crew of three people - the driver, the gunner and the commander - were housed in the tower. In its stern was a remotely controlled anti-aircraft 12.7 mm machine gun.
Variants with a 125-mm or 130-mm cannon were offered as the main armament. The ammunition, consisting of 49 unitary shells, was placed in isolation around the crew seats in an automated loading system.
Insulated fuel tanks located in the front of the hull were to serve as additional protection. The undercarriage included seven rollers on each side.
The engine power is at least 1000 hp. The maximum speed on the highway is 70 km/h. Combat weight - 40,000 kg.
The work was carried out under the supervision of Chief Designer Pavel Isakov. Unfortunately, the tank was not made in the form of a prototype, and how it looked can only be judged by the preserved models.