
Modernization of Type-23 frigates of the Chilean Navy has been completed at the ASMAR shipyard

Image source: navaltoday.com

TSAMTO, November 1. The Chilean state shipbuilding company ASMAR (Astilleros y Maestranzas de la Armada) has handed over to the Chilean Navy the third modernized Type-23 frigate, Almirante Condell (FF-05).

As reported by Infodefensa.com, the frigate was transferred to the port of Valparaiso on October 25 after conducting acceptance tests of the newly installed control and weapons systems.

The modernization of three Type-23 frigates acquired in 2005 has been implemented since 2017 at the ASMAR facility in Talcahuano as part of the PIDAA project. The ships were refitted and upgraded with the installation of new CMS-30 combat control systems supplied by Lockheed Martin Canada, as well as three-axis TRS-4D radar developed by Hensoldt and the MBDA Sea Ceptor air defense system.

Work on the modernization of the lead frigate, (FF-05) Almirante Cochrane, began in March 2018. The ship passed a test cycle in October 2019 and arrived at the Valparaiso Naval Base on November 8, 2019. Work on the second frigate, (FF-07) Almirante Lynch, began in June 2019. The ship returned to the Chilean navy in December 2020. Modernization of the third frigate, (FF-06) Almirante Condell, began in September 2020.

The PIDAA project was the most complex program developed by the Chilean shipyard in recent years.

As noted, the upgraded frigates will significantly increase the combat potential of the Chilean Navy.

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