
The Marker robot controlled the perimeter of the Vostochny cosmodrome in a completely autonomous mode

Image source: © РИА Новости / Пресс-служба Роскосмоса / РКК «Энергия»

The machine provided control of the state of the power supply lines and communications of the cosmodrome, monitored the integrity of the perimeter of the objects

MOSCOW, October 21. /tass/. The robot "Marker" has completed an experiment on patrolling the perimeter of the Vostochny cosmodrome. The movement along the route was carried out in completely autonomous mode thanks to a unique vision system, the press service of the Foundation for Advanced Research (FPI) told TASS on Thursday.

The experiment on the integration of the robotic platform "Marker" into the security system of the Vostochny cosmodrome has been conducted since October 8. A wheeled version of the Marker platform was used, equipped with a universal optoelectronic module. The machine provided monitoring of the state of the power supply lines and communications of the cosmodrome, monitored the integrity of the perimeter of objects.

"The movement was carried out along a given route in a completely autonomous mode, which was provided by an intelligent vision system. The Marker independently drove around obstacles that arose along the way," the fund noted, adding that the autonomy of the car with a hybrid power plant was up to three days.

Protection of particularly important state facilities

Arkady Petrosov, the project manager of the National Center for the Development of Technologies and Basic Elements of Robotics of the Federal Research Institute, told TASS that on the basis of the Marker robotic platform, it is planned to create promising robots for the protection of particularly important state facilities.

"The results achieved during the experiment create the basis for the creation of promising robotic tools capable of ensuring the safety of particularly important state facilities," Petrosov said.

He also noted that the experimental robotic platform "Marker" has the best capabilities in Russia for autonomous movement in an unknown environment and object recognition based on artificial intelligence technologies. The advanced research teams of the State Research Institute of Aviation Systems, the Southern Federal University and the Scientific Design Bureau of Computing Systems took part in their creation.

The experimental robotic platform "Marker" was developed as part of a joint project of the Foundation for Advanced Research and the NGO "Android Technology", launched in 2018. The aim of the project is to create and conduct a full-scale development of technologies and basic elements of ground robotics.

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