
Are there any disadvantages of the upgraded Belarusian T-72BME tank


Image Source: Photo: bte.by

The T-72BME main battle tank, upgraded at the 140th repair plant, was first shown at the MILEX - 2017 exhibition.

Engineers have thoroughly worked on the electronic filling of the tank, so the gunner has a modern sight "Essa-72U". It is equipped with television and thermal imaging channels, which make it possible to detect the enemy at a distance of up to 7000 meters.

A special remote control and monitor are mounted at the commander's workplace, which, if necessary, makes it possible to take control of weapons.

Image Source: Photo: bte.by

A driver mechanic can get a thermal imaging device for driving at night.

The 125-mm smoothbore gun 2A46 (ammunition 44 projectiles) dispersion of all types of projectiles is reduced by 10%. This was achieved by installing a ballistic computer and sensors that increase the accuracy of shooting. The paired 7.62 mm PKT machine gun has an ammunition capacity of 2,000 bullets, and the anti-aircraft 12.7 mm NSVT mounted on the turret has 300 rounds.

The engine power of the V-84 is 840 hp. The maximum speed on the highway is 70 km/h. The power reserve is 850 km . Combat weight - 44,000 kg. Crew - 3 people.

The tank has modern digital means of communication. An autonomous diesel power supply with a capacity of up to 9.9 kW is also mounted.

Image Source: Photo: bte.by

The only drawback can be considered that the tank is not equipped with the newest mounted dynamic protection "Contact", which no longer has sufficient effectiveness against modern cumulative ammunition and cannot counteract armor-piercing sub-caliber shells.

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