Image source: Photo: "Bulletin of Mordovia"
Currently, the KamAZ-63969 is not a very common representative of the Typhoon-K family. Outwardly, it looks very much like a three-axle armored personnel carrier. Its characteristic feature is a kind of driver's cabin with armored glass.
To get into the control compartment on the right side there is a downward-folding hatch with steps. There is another hatch in the stern for boarding and disembarking military personnel.
In accordance with modern requirements, this armored personnel carrier is equipped with solid mine protection, and it can also withstand shelling from 14.5 mm KPV machine guns.
Gross weight - 20000 kg. The engine power is 450 hp. The maximum speed on the highway is 105 km/h. Fuel power reserve -1200 km. Operating temperature range: from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius.
At the seventh International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2021", the RHM-9 radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance vehicle was demonstrated for the first time. It was reported that the "nine" is capable of automatically recognizing more than 3 thousand chemical substances. At the same time, the speed of movement over rough terrain is from 5 to 20 km / h, on the roads - from 20 to 50 km / h.
The scout has a special drone that conducts surveillance at a distance of up to 25,000 m.
The adoption of the RHM-9 will significantly increase the capabilities of the RHBZ troops.
Lev Romanov