
The characteristics of the new German and Norwegian submarines are revealed

Image source: rg.ru

The German promising diesel-electric submarines of the Type-212CD class will differ significantly from the submarines of the Type-212A class currently in service. The details of the project were shared in the developer company ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.

According to Naval News, the new submarines significantly exceed the copies of the previous class in size. The displacement increased from 1,524 tons to 2,500. The length of the hull has increased by almost a third - from 57.2 meters to 73 meters, and the width-by 40 percent, from 6.8 meters to 10.

The larger outer hull of the new submarine will reduce the sonar signature. The very shape of the hull will allow the boat to be less vulnerable to active sonar. According to the author of the publication, a military expert Sutton, the Type-212CD will be able to carry more weapons and will be distinguished by an increased underwater reserve thanks to the second diesel generator. Like their predecessors, the new submarines will receive air-independent power plants.

The Type-212CD class submarines are a joint project of Germany and Norway. The first will build two submarines, the second - four. The Norwegian Navy will receive the first one in 2029. The Germans will get the submarine in 2032.

Maya Biryukova

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