
The universal T-90M is not afraid of frosts and extreme Central Asian heat


Image source: Photo of the "Bulletin of Mordovia"

Air conditioning and a closed machine-gun installation will allow the T-90M to operate confidently in the conditions of Central Asia.

It is customary to give tanks various nicknames - "flying", "arctic", etc. If we talk about the latest Russian serial T-90M, then it can be called "universal", it is equally effective both in conditions of severe frosts and in extreme heat. In the latter case, the installation of an air conditioner is provided, which significantly facilitates the living conditions for the crew.

Image source: Photo of the "Bulletin of Mordovia"

The T-90M will confidently act both in conditions of a full-scale war, including with the use of weapons of mass destruction, and in local conflicts, including counter-insurgency operations.

Image source: Photo of the "Bulletin of Mordovia"

To do this, it has a reliable, circular protection, a television complex that allows you to keep under control all directions from where attacks can be made, as well as a powerful 125-mm cannon capable of using various ammunition, as well as machine-gun weapons. A big advantage is a remote-controlled machine-gun installation with a large-caliber 12.7-mm "Cord". Thanks to it, the commander of the car can perform tasks without being exposed to bullets and shrapnel.

Image source: Photo of the "Bulletin of Mordovia"

Of course, such equipment requires a higher level of training from tankers, but Russian tankers are traditionally distinguished by their professionalism, besides, educational institutions that train officers have already received these magnificent tanks.

Lev Romanov

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Comments [4]
17.08.2021 09:15
Всё прекрасно с характеристиками Т-90М, только когда танковые батальоны и полки получат эти танки в нужном количестве?
Из 3-х тысяч стоящих на вооружении танков Т-90М должны составлять хотя бы третью часть , чтобы называться основным танком.
Когда перевооружат на Т-90М десять танковых полков тогда пусть и пишут хвалебные статьи, а сейчас это всё пустое сотрясание воздуха....
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