
The anti-tank complex "Kornet-D1" based on the BMD-4M was shown in Alabino

Image source: Телеканал 360 / youtube.com

A family of various combat and auxiliary equipment has been developed for the Russian airborne troops on the platform of the BMD-4M amphibious assault vehicle. Many of these samples could be met at the Alabino training ground near Moscow on the eve of the celebration of the 91st anniversary of the creation of the Airborne Troops.

According to the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, during a dynamic display of airborne forces equipment, guests and the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergey Shoigu were shown a 120-mm self-propelled artillery gun "Lotus", a 125-mm anti-tank gun 2S25M "Sprut-SDM", a fire control machine "Zavet-D", etc.

For the first time, the Kornet-D1 self-propelled anti-tank missile system and the battery commander's reconnaissance and control vehicle, which includes these ATGMs, were shown.

In the photos that appeared on the Network, you can see that the tank destroyer, which received an additional reservation, is armed with eight Kornet anti-tank missiles of the most advanced modification, having an increased firing range and more significant armor penetration.

As previously reported, such weapons are capable of destroying not only foreign tanks of the latest versions,but also low-flying aircraft. Multi-channel sights allow you to effectively operate at night, in bad weather conditions, as well as when the enemy tries to hide behind smoke screens.

The battery commander's vehicle has a smaller number of ATGMs, but is equipped with additional detection equipment.

For a long time, the basis of the anti-tank defense of the airborne forces was the BTR-RD "Robot" with the "Fagot" and "Competition" complexes. Upgraded versions have begun to receive "Cornet" in recent years, now even more advanced equipment is expected to arrive.

A post by Army photographer Novikov K. (@novikov_army. photo)

Alexey Brusilov

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