
The Su-22 strike aircraft continue to serve in the Angolan Air Force

Image source: rg.ru

The Su-22 fighter-bomber with a variable sweep wing is an export version of the Su-17. Such winged combat vehicles were supplied by the Soviet Union to 15 states.

They could be seen in numerous hot spots, for example in the 80s in Afghanistan. The Syrian Air Force used these aircraft during the conflict in Lebanon in 1982, they participated in the Iran-Iraq War and other armed conflicts.

The "Twenty-second" with its own take-off weight of 19430 kg could take on board more than 4,000 kg of various loads, including various types of aerial bombs, cluster munitions, unguided and guided missile weapons. There were also two 30-mm HP-30 guns with a total ammunition load of 160 shells.

The maximum speed at the ground is 1400 km / h. The practical ceiling is 14,200 meters. The maximum flight range is 2300 km. The crew is 1 person.

Currently, most of these fighter-bombers have been removed from service due to resource development. At the same time, a little more than a hundred such "Su" continue to serve in some countries, for example in Angola.

In southern Africa, they appeared in the second half of the 80s and were actively involved in operations against terrorist formations of the rebel group UNITA. Already in the 90s, 35 more such attack aircraft were received from the countries of Eastern Europe. Now the remaining samples (about a dozen) are in the 26th assault Aviation Regiment, based in the city of Mosamedish. The pilots of this military unit also operate the Su-24MK and Su-25.

Alexey Moiseev

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