
The Russian Yak-40 with an electric motor made its first flight at the MAKS air show

Image source: Фото: ТАСС/Сергей Фадеичев

The Russian Yak-40LL laboratory aircraft, equipped with an electric motor, made its first flight as part of the tests. This was announced on Saturday, July 24, by the press service of the Foundation for Advanced Research (FPI).

"A demonstration flight of the Yak-40 aircraft equipped with a hybrid power plant based on a gas turbine engine and a superconducting electric motor has just taken place at the MAKS-2021 Air Show. During the flight, the plane turned on the electric power plant, "the RIA Novosti foundation reports.

It is noted that the hybrid power plant based on a gas turbine engine and a superconducting electric motor complements the two standard turbojet engines of the aircraft. The electric motor is more economical than its analogues by 5-20%, the FPI added.

They also reported that tests of this power plant as part of the aircraft began in February in Novosibirsk.

On July 20, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Denis Manturov, said that the Baikal aircraft, which is to replace the An-2 "corn", is planned to be retrofitted with an electric motor. He added that the delivery of the aircraft should begin in 2023.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in December 2020 that a prototype of the Baikal — a new passenger aircraft with nine seats, which is designed to replace the outdated An-2 aircraft, should be ready in Russia in 2021.

On July 20, the MAKS-2021 International Aerospace Salon opened in Zhukovsky, near Moscow. During the presidential screening, on the first day, viewers will be able to see the flights of Ka-226 and Mi-171 helicopters, Su-57 and MiG-35 fighters and an experienced passenger aircraft MS-21-310.

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