The German defense procurement Agency BAAINBw (Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr) 22 Jul 2021 announced the results of the German shipbuilding company fassmer yard GmbH Co. KG contract for the construction of two large towing tank of the courts new project for the 71st experimental test centre (71 Wehrtechnische Dienststelle WTD - 71) of the German Navy in eckernförde. The vessels should be commissioned in 2023.
Design image of new experimental vessels for the German Navy (c) Fassmer
The design of the vessels was also developed by Fassmer, their characteristics are not disclosed. Composed WTD 71 two new towing tank of the vessel (Messboote) to replace three existing towing tank of ship - two Y Tal 864 and 866 Y Breitgrund project 745 (a displacement of 500 tons, in line with 1989-1990) and A 1409 Wilhelm Pullwer project 741 (in the ranks 1967 optovoe the ship on the body of the RAID trawler for testing anti-mine systems). In total, the WTD 71 fleet now has nine ships and boats.
The BAAINBw press release regarding the project of new experimental vessels states that "the concept of a multi-purpose vessel allows you to easily, flexibly and individually adapt the equipment for performing tasks to the corresponding tasks and test goals and, thus, specifically create a target configuration of the vessel's capabilities."
"In the future, new experimental vessels will, among other things, provide detection and lifting of torpedoes during tests, escort of submarines during tests in shallow water, as well as the use of autonomous underwater vehicles and diving equipment in the context of defense developments of underwater equipment and devices."