
The US has changed the lock on nuclear warheads

Image source: rg.ru

The Pantex plant in Texas has released the first batch of upgraded W88 thermonuclear warheads-they are equipped with Trident II ballistic missiles on submarines. The updates affected the charge initiation system, conventional explosives, and a lightning rod connector was also added to the warhead.

The current modernization is the fruit of 11 years of work aimed at extending the service life of ICBM warheads from the US Navy arsenal, The Drive writes, citing data from the US National Nuclear Safety Administration. A year ago, the program faced a serious problem due to the unreliability of a 5-dollar capacitor. It was replaced with a more reliable element at a cost of $ 75, which caused $ 850 million to be added to the modernization budget and shifted its schedule.

The updated warhead received the W88 Alt 730 index, a new subsystem for arming and initiating a plutonium charge, a connector for a lightning rod and conventional explosives improved to extend the service life of the munition. Also, during the modernization, components whose service life was coming to an end were replaced, including the gas transportation system and neutron generators. The warhead modernization program will last until 2026 and will cost the US budget $ 2.8 billion.

The power of the W88 is 475 kilotons, one Trident II missile can carry up to 14 combat units. From 1984 to 1989, Pantex manufactured 404 warheads of this type.

Anton Valagin

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