
The ship's SAM "Resource" was presented for the first time at the "MVMS-2021" "


The Altair Scientific and technical center noted that the complex is capable of hitting any target attacking a ship with a single missile

ST. PETERSBURG, June 24. /TASS/. The ship's anti-aircraft missile system "Resurs", first presented by the Almaz-Antey concern of the East Kazakhstan Region within the framework of the International Naval Salon "MVMS-2021", is capable of hitting any target attacking a ship with a single missile. This was reported to TASS by the deputy head of the Altair Scientific and Technical Center (part of the Almaz NGO of the Almaz-Antey Concern of East Kazakhstan Region) Sergey Pavlov.

"The results of the operational tests showed that the probability of hitting air targets is very high. Almost one missile can shoot down any target that simulates an anti-ship missile, "the representative of Altair said.

According to him, the Resurs air defense system is unique for its compact modular composition and high efficiency. "The complex develops a flight task for the rocket, directing it to the target area, the rocket in this area independently searches for the target, pointing at it and defeating it. Any ship-based detection radar that has sufficient characteristics for the accuracy of tracking air targets is capable of giving the complex a target control system for destruction," Pavlov said.

The representative of the concern noted that the Resource complex being developed for the Russian Navy has passed a full test cycle. All the characteristics that were laid down in the task are confirmed. Now the SAM is undergoing pilot operation as part of the armament of the Navy corvettes, and will be one of the main air defense systems of the Navy.

The concern of East Kazakhstan Region "Almaz-Antey "for the first time presented an export version of the SAM"Resource". The complex is designed to protect surface ships from attacks by manned and unmanned means of air attack in the near (9M96E missile) and at the nearest borders (9M100E missile), including those flying at extremely low altitudes.

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Comments [3]
25.06.2021 12:04
Что-то "Ресурсу" уж очень сильно дальность порезали. Всего 28 км, в 2,5 раза меньше, чем у 9М96 у "Редута". Интересно, какую там РЛС для него подразумевали?
25.06.2021 23:32
,,Ресурс" кстати имеет ИК ГСН, что необычно для наших ЗРК.
25.06.2021 23:58
Цитата, beka1 сообщ. №2
,,Ресурс" кстати имеет ИК ГСН, что необычно для наших ЗРК.
Нет там ни каких ИК ГСН. Это сначала на 9М100 ИК ГСН хотели установить, но потом заменили на АР ГСН, под которую всю ракету перепроектировали и увеличили в диаметре.

Вот макет ранней 9М100 в модификации для воздушного пуска.
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