
The crew of the Chinese space station plans to make two spacewalks

Image source: Xinhua

According to China Central Television, the duration of each output will be about six hours, this is necessary for installation work outside the base module "Tianhe"

BEIJING, June 22. /TASS/. The Shenzhou-12 crew members plan to make two spacewalks during their three-month stay on the Chinese Space Station. This was reported on Tuesday by China Central Television.

According to him, the duration of each exit will be about six hours. This is necessary for installation work outside the base module "Tianhe". During them, astronauts will have to use a robotic arm for the first time in the history of the Chinese space program. The crew members will have to check the safety and reliability of the mechanical manipulator, and then use it to install the equipment on the outside of the Tianhe hull.

According to the TV channel, the astronauts will face much more complex tasks compared to those performed during the spacewalk by the Shenzhou-7 crew members in 2008. During their training on Earth, the Shenzhou-12 cosmonauts practiced the same tasks in a hypobaric chamber and in hydro-gravity conditions in a special pool.

The first Chinese cosmonaut to perform a spacewalk was Zhai Zhigang, a member of the Shenzhou-7 crew. He was out of the ship for 22 minutes.

The Shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft with three astronauts was launched into orbit on the morning of June 17 at 09: 22 Beijing time (04:22 Moscow time) from the Jiuquan cosmodrome, located on the border of Gansu Province and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Northern China). The Changzheng-2-ef launch vehicle was used to launch the spacecraft into orbit. Later, the spacecraft successfully docked with the Chinese space station under construction.

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Comments [1]
23.06.2021 12:46
ЧЁ, нормальный костюм для выхода в космос сделали, раз 6 часов собрались работать?
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