
Combat launches of air-to-air missiles will work on the Su-34

Image source: rg.ru

Multifunctional Su-34 fighter-bombers of the mixed Aviation Division of the Central Military District will use air-to-air missiles for the first time.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, combat missile launches will take place as part of a tactical flight exercise in the Astrakhan region.

"Within the framework of combat training flights, the crews will make more than 20 sorties and work out the detection and destruction of high-speed, super - maneuverable target missiles, as well as single and group air targets of the "fighter" type with short-range missiles used in conditions of high-maneuverable close air combat, " the press service of the ministry explained.

Peter Suciu, a columnist for The National Interest, drew attention to the use of a new type of weapons by Su-34 aircraft. According to him, this will expand the capabilities of the crews in combat.

The expert recalls that the Su-34 was created on the basis of the Su-27 fighter, designed to gain air superiority. The new combat aircraft received digital controls, an optimized navigation system and improved electronic counteraction capabilities, and as a result became an all-weather supersonic fighter-bomber of the "4+"generation.

"Its 12 suspension units are compatible with a variety of anti-ship missiles, air-to-ground missiles and cruise missiles, and now air-to-air missiles," the observer noted.

The Su-34 was actively used to attack terrorist targets in Syria and became the most technologically advanced aircraft involved in the operation, Suciu concluded.

Timur Alimov

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