
"Dry" in abundance: The Baltic Fleet will receive new Su-30SM fighters

Image source: Фото: ИЗВЕСТИЯ/Дмитрий Коротаев

The air group of the Baltic Fleet is planned to be strengthened with the latest super-maneuverable Su-30SM fighters. "Drying" will be able not only to fight in the sky, but also, if necessary, to hit sea and land targets. Strengthening the Western Military District this year has been declared a priority task against the backdrop of NATO's activation in the region and the bloc's large-scale Baltops exercises.

The air group of the Baltic Fleet is planned to be strengthened with the latest super-maneuverable Su-30SM fighters. "Drying" will be able not only to fight in the sky, but also, if necessary, to hit sea and land targets. Strengthening the Western Military District this year has been declared a priority task against the backdrop of NATO's activation in the region and the bloc's large-scale Baltops exercises.

Restless Neighborhood

As sources in the military department told Izvestia, the principal decision to send an additional batch of the latest Su-30SM fighters to the Baltic has already been made. Deliveries of vehicles will depend on the implementation of the State Defense Order. Also, according to the interlocutors, the issue of additional deployment of coastal missile systems "Bastion" and "Bal"in the region is being worked out. However, a final decision on them has not yet been made, the sources added.

Currently, the Baltic Fleet already has one squadron of Su - "thirties". It is part of the 4th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment, which is based in Kaliningrad.

It is the Baltic Fleet that bears full responsibility for the defense of the Kaliningrad region, military expert Dmitry Boltenkov explained to Izvestia.

— This region is protected by the 34th Mixed Aviation Division of the Baltic Fleet. Its aircraft units are equipped with Su-24M bombers and Su-27 fighters. There is only one squadron of modern Su-30SM, " the expert said. — The new vehicles will most likely be manned by the second unit in the 4th Assault Regiment. But it is possible that they will go to the 689th Fighter Aviation Regiment. Its update is especially relevant, given that NATO countries in the region are buying the latest F-35 stealth fighters.

Source: iz.ru

At the end of May, the head of the defense Ministry, Sergei Shoigu, said that the military threat continues to grow in the western strategic direction. According to him, the NATO countries, led by the United States, are increasing the intensity of strategic aviation flights, the presence of warships with cruise missiles, and increasing the number of their exercises. Earlier, the Russian military accused the United States of simulating missile attacks on the Kaliningrad region by B-52 bombers.

On June 6, the major exercise Baltops 2021 started in the Baltic Sea. The two-week maneuvers will involve about 4,000 military personnel from 16 NATO countries, 60 ships and vessels, and 40 aircraft. The exercises will begin off the coast of Denmark and then move closer to the Kaliningrad region.

The activation of NATO in the Baltic Sea poses a threat to the northern part of Russia and the Kaliningrad region, which is an exclave and is surrounded on all sides by the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance, according to former Deputy Foreign Minister, former UN Deputy Secretary General Sergei Ordzhonikidze.

— When the Nord Stream was completed, we already noticed how they tried to prevent it, create problems. There were Polish ships there, and others went around, " he reminded Izvestia. — In addition, after the collapse of the USSR, the Kaliningrad region was outside the unified territory of the country. It is vulnerable both from the sea and from the land in the event of NATO's plans to separate it from the rest of Russia. Considering this area from the point of view of such a potential threat, we are deploying additional missiles and troops there.

Marine Station Wagon

In naval aviation, two-seat Su-30SM are used both as fighters and as attack vehicles. They can carry a large number of high-precision weapons, including anti-ship missiles. They are also equipped with a full arsenal of short-and medium-range air-to-air ammunition.

Russian Su-30SM fighters have already become the most mass-produced combat aircraft of the new construction. The VKS and the navy received about 130 units. They are also actively exported abroad, becoming in fact the standard for the CSTO countries. They are equipped with the air forces of Armenia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Hundreds of variants of the "thirtieth" series were delivered to China, India, Vietnam and some other countries.

As reported by Izvestia, last year the defense ministry signed a contract for more than two dozen seriously modernized Su-30SM2 for naval aviation. Improved multi-purpose vehicles should be delivered by the end of 2022. It is not yet known whether they will be sent to the Baltic Fleet.

The upgraded Su-30SM2 received new, more powerful and long-lasting AL-41F1S engines with a controlled thrust vector. They modified the radar to replace imported parts and increase the detection range. The set of available ammunition has also been expanded.

Located in the Kaliningrad Region, the 4th Assault Aviation Regiment has been receiving the Su-30SM basic configuration since December 2016. It formed a squadron of such aircraft numbering up to 12 units. The other squadron is equipped with older Su-24M bombers.

One of the novelties of the Su-30SM2 was the installation of a multi-channel integrated communication, data exchange, navigation and identification system (OSNOD). It allows you to integrate the machine into modern automated control systems and exchange information with other advanced aircraft.

Bastion on the Baltic Sea

The Su-24M and Su-30SM naval aircraft from the Kaliningrad Region are actively training to attack not only sea, but also land targets. They regularly practice bombing attacks and firing "smart" and unguided missiles. They also perform the most difficult element of training — refueling in flight from the IL-78 air tanker.

In addition to the aircraft, the 34th Aviation Division includes a mixed helicopter regiment equipped with Mi-8 transport, Mi-24 attack, Ka-27PS search and rescue and Ka-27PL anti-submarine warfare. In 2018, it received five upgraded Ka-27M with new radars and radio reconnaissance equipment. Such machines can detect targets and provide information to the headquarters about them in real time.

The Baltic Fleet is also subordinated to a powerful land group. A full-fledged motorized rifle division has been formed as part of the 11th Army Corps defending the exclave. This year, one of its regiments was completely re-equipped with modern BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles. The artillery units include Iskander-M missile systems and long-range artillery, including Smerch multiple rocket launchers.

Anton Lavrov

Anna Cherepanova

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