
Ukraine plans to launch production of 30-mm grenade launcher rounds

Image source: vpk-news.ru

It is expected that the production of 30-mm VOG shots for the AGS-17 automatic grenade launcher will be made from components of domestic production and individual materials produced by the chemical industry of one of the NATO member states.

According to the Press and Information Department of the Ministry of Defense, this was stated by Defense Minister Andrei Taran.

It is noted that by order of the Ministry of Defense, state tests of 30-mm VOG-17V and VOG-17IN grenade launchers for the Ukrainian-made AGS-17 automatic grenade launcher are continuing.

According to Taran, according to their results this year, a decision will be made on the adoption and further mass production of these shots on the basis of Ukrainian enterprises. It is expected that the 30-mm shots of the VOG-17V and VOG-17IN for the AGS-17 automatic grenade launcher will be made from components of domestic production and individual materials produced by the chemical industry of one of the NATO member states.

"For this purpose, in addition to the production of VOGes, the defense Department is working on, among other things, the issues of establishing ammunition repair capacities. We have warehouses, technical personnel, documentation for this purpose, and production workshops are already being built. Reducing dependence on conjunctural external market and other conditions, relying on their own strength, the safety of ammunition production-this is the key to the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, " UNIAN quotes Taran.

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