
Rogozin said that a place in the "Union" for tourists is cheaper than that of Musk

Image source: © flickr.com, NASA

At the same time, the head of Roscosmos did not name the exact price, citing commercial secrecy

ST. PETERSBURG, June 3. /TASS/. The cost of a place in the Soyuz spacecraft for tourists is cheaper than on the Starliner and Crew Dragon ships. This was announced in an interview with TASS on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum by Roscosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin.

"As for the price, Starliner stipulates from $60 to 90 million for the chair, at the Mask (Crew Dragon ship-approx. TASS) - $55-60 million. We already have less. Therefore, in this regard, we definitely hope that international space tourists will choose the Russian transport system, " Rogozin said. At the same time, he did not name the exact price, citing trade secrets.

According to the head of Roscosmos, for a wealthy person, the issue of flying into space is not related to the cost, but to the time that needs to be spent on preparation. "If a rich person is told that he must leave the business for a whole year and sit and prepare, he will, of course, refuse. When you tell him that three months of preparation and three hours - he will not have time to be afraid and he is already at the station, he will definitely choose our option, " the general director of the state corporation explained.

This issue is currently being resolved as part of the project to shoot the first feature film on the ISS under the working title "Challenge": an experiment is being worked out on operational training for the flight of a person who is not a professional cosmonaut. The Russian Federation also has an advantage over its competitors, Rogozin believes, because the Soyuz is the fastest, most developed and very reliable.

In November last year, Rogozin posted a video on Twitter, in which it was reported that the shooting of the first feature film in space is scheduled for October 2021. The space drama with the working title "Challenge"is a joint project of Roscosmos, Channel One and the studio Yellow, Black and White. The launch of the Soyuz MS-19 spacecraft is scheduled for October 5.

The SPIEF, organized by the Roscongress Foundation, runs from 2 to 5 June. The theme of the forum this year: "Together again. The Economy of the New Reality". SPIEF-2021 is held in full-time format in compliance with all epidemic safety measures. TASS acts as an information partner and photo-hosting agency of the event.

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