
Yantar PSZ expects to receive orders for the construction of frigates and BDK

Image source: © Виталий Невар/ТАСС

Kaliningrad. June 2. INTERFAX-JSC "Baltic Shipbuilding Plant "Yantar" (PSZ, part of USC) is seeking to obtain new contracts under the State Defense Order, General Director of the enterprise Ilya Samarin told Interfax.

"Currently, large shipyards in St. Petersburg have a large load on the State Defense Order until 2030. In this situation, the Yantar plant also hopes to take the baton in the construction of frigates (Project 22350 - "IF") or large landing ships. In the old days, the same project was built at several factories at the same time, which allowed us to compete and achieve perfection," Samarin explained.

According to him, the specialists of the plant have all the necessary competencies to build warships of the 1st rank, the displacement of which is up to 10 thousand tons. At one time, Yantar handed over to the fleet several large anti-submarine ships of the project 1155, for example, "Admiral Chabanenko", the performance characteristics of which are not inferior to modern frigates.

The general Director also noted that the plant appealed to the Ministry of Defense with a proposal to continue the construction of a series of large amphibious assault ships (BDK) of the project 11711. Two BDK have already been built and are part of the Northern Fleet, and two more under construction are intended for the Pacific Fleet.

"We know for sure that these BDK will be in demand in the Baltic and Black Sea fleets. Moreover, this project has also received some development and improvement during the construction process, " Samarin concluded.

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