
Source: The Su-57 fighter will be able to fly up to four Hunter drones"

Image source: © Министерство обороны РФ

The UAC previously reported that the "Hunter" will hit air and ground targets in the framework of network-centric interaction with the fighter

MOSCOW, June 1. /TASS/. The pilot of the fifth-generation Su-57 fighter will simultaneously coordinate the actions of four new heavy strike unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) "Hunter". This was reported to TASS by a source in the aircraft industry.

"Now we are working on the possibility of controlling several attack drones from the Su-57 cockpit. It is assumed that the fighter will lead from two to four "Hunters", - he said.

TASS has no official confirmation of this information.

As previously reported by TASS in the press service of the United Aircraft Corporation( UAC), the latest UAV "Hunter" will hit air and ground targets in the framework of network-centric interaction with the Su-57 fighter. When used together, the drones will solve a full range of tasks, working on air and ground targets under the command of a leading manned vehicle.

The Su-57 is designed to destroy all types of air, ground and surface targets. The aircraft has a supersonic cruising speed, internal fuselage armament, radio-absorbing coating (stealth technology), as well as the latest complex of on-board equipment.

Developed in the Sukhoi Design Bureau, the S-70 "Hunter" UAV is designed according to the "flying wing" scheme using the "stealth" technology, which reduces its radar visibility. According to open sources, the take-off weight of the device is up to 20 tons, the maximum flight speed is about 1 thousand km / h. Serial deliveries are scheduled to begin in 2024. "Hunter" first took to the air on August 3, 2019, the flight lasted more than 20 minutes under the control of the operator. On September 27 last year, the UAV performed a flight together with the Su-57 fighter.

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