
A military expert told how Russia can respond to the actions of NATO

Image source: © РИА Новости / Виталий Аньков

MOSCOW, May 31 – RIA Novosti. Russia may deploy more Iskander tactical missile systems on its western borders, and in certain circumstances it will deploy medium-range hypersonic missiles there, Russian military expert Alexey Leonkov predicts.

Earlier on Monday, Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu announced that in response to the actions of NATO countries in the western strategic direction, Russia will form about 20 new formations and military units in the Western Military District.

"Most likely, parts of operational-tactical missile weapons will be added ... I'm talking about Iskanders . And medium-range missiles will only appear in response if they are deployed in Europe. We will do this quickly and quickly, but there is a small nuance – all these missiles will work on the technology of controlled hypersound, that is, they will receive hypersonic warheads, " Leonkov told RIA Novosti.

In addition, according to his assessment, additional units of the Aerospace Forces may appear on the western borders of Russia. The rearmament of the Baltic and Black Sea fleets will also continue, the expert is sure.

Russia's withdrawal from the Treaty on the Limitation of Conventional Weapons (CFE) and the deployment of several armies in the Western Military District, including air, land and armored, according to Leonkov, were not taken seriously by NATO.

Since 2014, NATO countries regularly leave some of the weapons involved in exercises along the Russian borders, as well as modernize bases and work out logistics, the source recalled.

He recalled the upcoming NATO summit, which will consider the concept of NATO-2030. According to Leonkov, it provides for an increase in funding for the purchase of new weapons, moving in the eastern direction, and " deterring Russia."

"In addition, it states that now NATO will come to military and political unity, that is, it will not be possible to block the decision to accept any country into NATO as an ally or as a partner. NATO says it is now open to any countries that will stand up to authoritarian regimes. They call Russia and China authoritarian countries, which are designated as military opponents, " Leonkov explained.

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