
The Russian weapon from which enemies "run away like girls" is named"

Image source: © Фото : Григорий Ш. / RussianPlanes.net

MOSCOW, May 31 — RIA Novosti. The Russian Mi-28 helicopter will make any enemy run screaming in the opposite direction. This is written by the Canadian portal HotCars.

The author of the article, Benny Kik, noted that Russia is one of the best manufacturers of military aircraft in the world. For every conflict Moscow has been involved in over the past hundred years, the Russians have had an iconic plane or helicopter that has remained in people's memories.

"In the Second World War, it was the IL-2, in Vietnam — the MiG-21," he explained.

As Kik emphasizes, the Mi-28NM configuration will be the envy of any pilot, and the helicopter's armament will make the enemy "run away like a girl."

In his opinion, the main advantage of the upgraded version of the aircraft is the ability to perform all the necessary functions in all weather conditions and at any time of the day or night.

"The Russian-developed radar and avionics ensure that the Mi-28NM will not have blind spots during sand and snow storms or any other adverse weather conditions," the author writes.

Kik also added that the new powerful Klimov VK2500P engines, as well as improved main rotor blades, will increase the maximum speed by 13 percent and cruising speed by up to ten percent. This small increase in the conditions of intense military operations "can solve the question of life and death" for those whom the helicopter is designed to protect, the expert concluded.

The Mi-28NM is manufactured at the Rostvertol plant (part of Russian Helicopters). The most noticeable external difference between the Mi-28NM and its predecessor is the spherical radar fairing located immediately above the propeller.

The latest helicopter is capable of performing a wide range of tasks: from reconnaissance and target designation to the destruction of ground and air targets. The arsenal of the aircraft includes a whole set of guided missiles. The vehicle's armor is able to protect the crew from projectiles of up to 20 mm caliber.

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