
140-mm "heavy-duty" Ukrainian gun 55L "Bagheera" for T-72 and T-84 - not a myth


Image source: Photo: Bravery2004

Now it sounds like a fantasy, but relatively recently in Ukraine, the 140-mm, as it was called in advertising materials, "super-powerful" tank gun 55L "Bagheera"was tested.

The first data about this weapon appeared more than 15 years ago in a number of media outlets specializing in military topics. To prove that "Bagheera" is not a myth, even published her photos taken at the test site, as well as her presentations at weapons exhibitions.

It was stated that the full length of the barrel was 7 meters (55 calibers), the muzzle velocity when firing armor-piercing sub-caliber shells was 1870 m/s. The pressure in the barrel bore is 5640 kg / cm2.

Image source: Photo: Bravery2004

140 mm gun "Bagheera" (right) at one of the weapons exhibitions

At the same time, the barrel weight of the BPS is 9 kg, and the flight weight is 7 kg. It was noted that the armor penetration is 450/60 mm/deg.

A feature of the 55L was the interchangeability of the breech with 120-mm and 125-mm guns. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was originally intended to equip export modifications of the T-72 and T-84.

But, as you know, it is not enough to create an experimental sample, it was necessary to bring it at least to small-scale production, but Ukraine has always experienced problems with this. We lacked the necessary experience, personnel, and testing facilities. Therefore, none of the foreign customers showed interest in this new product and did not want to invest their money in it.

The last official mention of the "Bagheera" was made in the spring of 2014, when the Ukrainian "advanced main battle tank" (FMBT) was presented at the DEFEXPO India exhibition, which in one of the variants was armed with this particular gun. However, who in their right mind would agree to work with a state that is in a severe systemic crisis.

Image source: Photo: Bravery2004


Now this "new generation" weapon is almost forgotten, in modern realities its release is no longer possible, and some tactical and technical characteristics, such as armor penetration, already look outdated.

Dmitry Lemeshko

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