Image source: Photo: "Bulletin of Mordovia"
Military experts note that after a long fascination with wheeled armored vehicles, there is again a significant interest in tracked IFVs in the world. Currently, several countries hold tenders for the selection of such equipment.
It can be assumed that in the coming years, a number of states will want to change their combat vehicles developed in the 60-70s.
Russia already has excellent developments in this area. So, at the International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2020" for the first time the BMP "Manul"was presented.

Image source: Photo: "Bulletin of Mordovia"
It differs from the already known BMP "Dragoon" by the uninhabited universal compartment TKB-945, also known as "Boomerang-BM". It can be seen on the K-17 wheeled armored vehicle of the Boomerang medium platform.
Such a technical solution dramatically increases the chances of survival in modern combat and contributes to a sufficiently high level of protection for the crew and the landing party of eight people.
The weapons used are a 30 mm automatic cannon and a 7.62 mm machine gun. To combat armored vehicles, a controlled anti-tank complex "Kornet"is used. The commander of the vehicle and the gunner-operator received a modern multi-channel all-day sighting system.
As in most Western models, there is an information and control system that monitors the state of components and assemblies.

Image source: Photo: "Bulletin of Mordovia"
The engine-UTD-32 of increased power is located in front, the hatch for entry and exit is in the stern.
The maximum speed on the highway is 70 km / h and 9.5 km / h when overcoming water obstacles.
Lev Romanov