
Construction of the fourth John Lewis-class tanker for the US Navy has begun

Image source: General Dynamics NASSCO

TSAMTO, May 26. The US Navy Command announced the construction of the next-generation John Lewis class tanker (T-AO 208) "Robert F." at the General Dynamics-National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (GD-NASSCO), which began on May 21.Kennedy."

Due to restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the keel was laid without a ceremony.

(T-AO 208) " Robert F.The Kennedy will be the fourth ship of the John Lewis class.

As reported by TSAMTO, GD-NASSCO in June 2016 announced the conclusion of a contract with the Command of Shipbuilding and Armament of the US Navy for the development of a detailed design and construction of the lead tanker of the T-AO 205 class "John Lewis". The agreement signed at the end of the tender included options for the construction of five additional vessels. The cost of the contract for the construction of the lead ship was $ 640.2 million. If all options are exercised, the project will cost $ 3.156 billion.

The steel cutting ceremony for the construction of (T-AO-205) "John Lewis" took place on September 20, 2018. The ship's keel was laid at the San Diego facility on May 13, 2019, and launched on January 13, 2021.

GD-NASSCO is also currently building the Harvey Milk (T-AO-206), with the keel laid in September 2020. At the end of 2020, steel cutting began for the construction of (T-AO-207) "Earl Warren". Contracts have been awarded for the construction of (T-AO 209) Lucy Stone and (T-AO 210) Sojourner Truth.

The program provides for the purchase of up to 20 new tanker tankers, which will replace the outdated T-AO 187 vessels of the Henry J. Smith class. Kaiser." In addition, they can be used together with T-AKE general-purpose transports to support aircraft carrier strike groups and amphibious assault groups at sea.

The ships will be part of the U.S. Navy's Maritime Transportation Command. The John Lewis-class tanker is designed to supply surface ships of the US Navy at sea, as well as to deliver fuel for carrier-based aircraft.

The length of the ship is 227.3 m, the maximum width is 32.2 m, and the displacement is 49,850 tons. The vessel can reach a speed of up to 20 knots, transport 157,000 barrels of petroleum products, including new biofuels. Tankers will also be able to transport dry cargo, take helicopters. The boat can accommodate 125 people.

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