
Draft amphibious version of the MC-130J aircraft

Sections: Air, New development

As reported by the magazine "Jane's Defence Weekly"on 19 may 2021 virtual conference industry in the interests of the Forces United States special operations (Special Operations Forces Industry Conference - SOFIC-2021), Executive Director of the aircraft programmes forces Command United States special operations (USSOCOM) Colonel Ken Kubler said that rassmatrivaetsya the possibility of creating an amphibious version of the aircraft, special purpose Lockheed Martin MC-130J Сommando II (based on the C-130J Super Hercules), adapted to a water landing and takeoff from the water (the concept of MC-130 Amphibious Capability - MAC).

Presented at the virtual conference of the industry in the interests of the US Special Operations Forces (Special Operations Forces Industry Conference - SOFIC-2021), a "concept image" of the proposed amphibious version of the Lockheed Martin MC-130J Commando II special purpose aircraft (MC-130 Amphibious Capability - MAC concept) (c) US Special Operations Forces Command via Andrew White / Jane's

Colonel Kubler said that the possibility of developing an amphibious aircraft MAS is being studied to meet the operational requirements of USSOCOM in the era of "Great Power Competition" (GPC), and that USSOCOM has a "fairly focused interest" in this project. The schedule of USSOCOM aircraft programs presented at the conference contained a graph about the development of the MAC in the period 2022-2025.

The MC-130J Commando II is a variant of the C-130J Super Hercules military transport aircraft and is designed primarily for dropping off special operations forces groups and evacuating them. The IAU "concept image" presented at the conference showed the MC-130J aircraft equipped with two massive ventral floats.

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