
More than 30 samples of military engineering equipment will be presented at the MVTF " Army-2021"

Image source: vpk-news.ru

TSAMTO, April 26. The Department of the Chief of Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will take an active part in the preparation and holding of the International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2021".

Within the framework of the forum, for the first time, an engineering system for remote mining and a mobile engineering repair complex with a set of software and technical means for engineering support of units and formations of the engineering troops will be demonstrated.

The exhibition exposition of the engineering troops will consist of promising samples of engineering weapons, which will be presented both at the static exposition of the Department, and during the dynamic display of special equipment at the facilities of the Alabino test site and at the Arctic Exposition of advanced VVST samples.

In total, more than 30 samples of military engineering equipment designed for the construction and overcoming of obstacles, water extraction and purification, overcoming and forcing water barriers, repair and engineering maintenance, as well as providing power supply to the troops are planned to be demonstrated at the scale of the forum events.

As part of the forum's exposition, advanced engineering equipment that has undergone modernization is planned to be shown: the BAT-2M track-laying machine, the PZM-2M regimental earthmoving machine and the PMM-2M ferry-bridge machine, according to the Information Support Group of the Ground Forces.

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