
The latest Su-30SM2 fighters will be delivered to the naval aviation

Image source: Фото: ИЗВЕСТИЯ/Александр Полегенько

The Russian naval aviation will take on the newest Su-30SM2 fighters. According to the approved plan for the construction and procurement of aircraft and their components, a copy of which was reviewed by Izvestia, a little more than two dozen vehicles for the Ministry of Defense should be transferred to the customer by the end of 2022. All sides will undergo a special marine revision. Their official name is Su-30SM2 (Navy).

According to sources of "Izvestia", the military department is currently working on the distribution of new fighters between parts of the naval aviation. The priority for receiving new products is three fleets — the Northern, Black Sea and Baltic.

The plans for the purchase of a batch of Su-30SM2 fighters were announced in August last year by the head of the Defense Ministry, Sergei Shoigu, during a visit to the Irkutsk Aviation Plant. According to him, the total cost of the order of 21 Su-30SM2 fighters and 25 Yak-130 training aircraft is more than 100 billion rubles.

The aircraft will be delivered to the fleet in a modernized version of the Su-30SM2. From the basic model, which is already in the amount of more than 130 pieces in the armament of the Aerospace Forces and naval aviation, it will differ in new engines, updated radar and avionics, an expanded set of weapons and import-substituted components.

Read more in the exclusive material of Izvestia»:

"Sukhoi" place: the latest fighters will go to the naval aviation

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