
Strategic missile systems "Yars" entered the routes of combat patrol in the Altai Territory - The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Image source: © Валерий Шарифулин/ТАСС

Moscow. March 30. INTERFAX-Mobile missile systems "Yars" have begun combat duty during the command and staff exercises (KShU) with the Barnaul division of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN), the Russian Defense Ministry reports.

"The missile regiments of the Yars PGRK have taken up field positions and have begun combat duty as part of a command and staff exercise in the Altai Territory," the military department said in a statement.

It is noted that during the exercises, strategic rocket scientists work out the issues of withdrawing combat missile systems to combat patrol routes, making a march to change field positions, their engineering equipment, organizing camouflage and combat protection.

"Mobile missile systems "Yars", dispersed in dense forests on huge areas. The formation and the military units of the Strategic Missile Forces are faced with complex tasks, taking into account the capabilities of modern weapons, military and special equipment, " the Defense Ministry said.

More than 3,000 military personnel and about 300 pieces of equipment are involved in the KShU, the report says.

The day before, the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Sergei Karakaev, said that the rearmament of the Barnaul division on the Yars PGRK will be completed by the end of 2021. This division is part of the Omsk Missile Association of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Yars is a mobile and mine-based strategic missile system capable of hitting targets at a range of up to 11 thousand km. It is equipped with a split head part with maneuvering blocks of individual guidance. This complex is the basis of the Strategic Missile Forces grouping.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Strategic Missile Forces consist of three missile armies, 12 missile divisions, of which four - with silo launchers and eight - with mobile missile systems.

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