
Unobtrusive and very dangerous - the "Cube-UAV" drone»

Image source: vpk-news.ru

According to the Internet portal Yahoo News Japan, these unmanned self-exploding aircraft have a number of advantages. In particular, they are able to stay in the air for a long time, move at high speed to the target unnoticed by the enemy, and strike from above.

It is difficult to defend against weapons with such capabilities.

The publication notes that the Russian drone aroused great interest among specialists and received the informal name "kamikaze drone".

The UAV can carry a three-kilogram charge and accelerate to 130 kilometers per hour, which is quite a lot for such devices. At the same time, the time spent by the drone in the air is estimated at 30 minutes. Thanks to this, the radius of its application is significantly expanded. In addition, the drone does not cause problems in transportation and it is quite easy to use. The UAV is remotely controlled and equipped with a laser guidance system, which increases the accuracy of its application.

As valuable advantages, the low noise and low visibility of the drone, as well as the ability to use it to attack from a high altitude, are called. To detect an inconspicuous "Cube-UAV", special equipment is required, which is not always possible to use in the field, writes the RG, referring to the translation of "InoSMI".

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