The British multi-purpose nuclear submarine HMS Talent of the Trafalgar type was equipped with new sensors. Presumably, we are talking about an analog of the Russian wake trace detection system, or SOKS.
The multi-purpose submarine HMS Talent of the British Royal Navy Talent Trafalgar has arrived in the territory of Gibraltar with interesting new sensors on both sides of the wheelhouse. According to experts of the publication The Drive, we are talking about an addition to the existing system designed to detect enemy submarines.
The photo also shows a remarkable pair of 7.62 mm FN MAG machine guns, known as L7 General Purpose Machine Guns (GPMG).

HMS Talent
Image source: thedrive
Experts consider the sensors to be a conditional analogue of the domestic SOX system, designed to detect submarines by the wake track — the area of heterogeneity of the physical fields of the marine environment that remains after the passage of the submarine.
Trafalgar-class submarines are quite old. The first of them was put into operation in 1983, the last-in 1991. Now they are being replaced with more modern Astute-type submarines.
Recall that a few years ago , there were data on the failure of all three previously adopted submarines of the Astute type.