
Bayraktar DIHA Unmanned aerial vehicle

Sections: Air, New development

The now well-known Turkish company Baykar Defense (part of the Baykar group) announced the creation of a light reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle Bayraktar DIHA (Dikey Iniş Kalkışlı Insansız Hava Aracı) with vertical takeoff and landing. In the video distributed on January 18, 2021 by the head of the company Seljuk Bayraktar, two samples of the Bayraktar DIHA device were visible in the company's workshop, but it is unclear whether their flight tests have begun.

Image of the new light reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle Bayraktar DIHA (Dikey Iniş Kalkışlı Insansız Hava Aracı) with vertical takeoff and landing developed by the Turkish company Baykar Defense (c) Baykar Defense

The DIHA device is designed according to the scheme of a flying wing with a span of 5 m and a length of 1.5 m, and has a take-off weight of 30 kg with a payload weight (electron-optical systems) of 5 kg. The vehicle uses four electric motors with propellers for take - off and landing, and a piston motor with a pusher propeller for marching flight. In addition to vertical, it is possible to land the device horizontally on the fuselage or parachute.

The maximum flight speed of the DIHA UAV is stated to be up to 80 knots (150 km / h), cruising speed - up to 55-60 knots (100-110 km/h), working ceiling - up to 9,000 feet (2,700 m), maximum flight speed - up to 15,000 feet (up to 4,500 m). The range of the UAV under the conditions of radio control from the ground station is 150 km, the flight duration is up to 12 hours. The device can be used in automatic, semi-automatic or fully command control modes.

Image of the new light reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle Bayraktar DIHA (Dikey Iniş Kalkışlı Insansız Hava Aracı) with vertical takeoff and landing developed by the Turkish company Baykar Defense (c) Baykar Defense

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