
Iran showed its enemies a" swarm " of combat drones and ballistic missile launches

Image source: vpk-news.ru

Iran has conducted the "Great Prophet-15" exercise of the Aerospace Forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

During the military maneuvers, massive strikes with cruise and ballistic missiles were practiced, as well as the defeat of targets by kamikaze drones. A mass launch of the latest modifications of missiles of its own production was carried out: "Zalzal", "Zulfikar" and "Dezful". The Iranian military said that during the exercise, the drones worked as part of a" swarm " under the control of artificial intelligence.

Military experts drew attention to an interesting feature of the use of missile systems that are placed in containers. Since the launcher and the projectile itself are disguised as a truck with a trailer (truck), they are difficult to detect and destroy accordingly.

The video also included footage of the use of reconnaissance UAVs "Shahid-171". In addition, during yesterday's exercise "Sea power-99" for the first time carried out torpedo firing submarine type "Fateh".

Such a large-scale use of strategic missiles by Iran is caused by repeated threats to Tehran from the United States and Israel, which are preparing for war. This is evidenced, at least, by the fact that yesterday a foreign submarine entered the area of naval exercises.

Aviation SQUARE, the IRGC was able to find it when the submarine surfaced to periscope depth. According to the video, experts determined that it was an American nuclear submarine USS Georgia of the "Ohio" type with a DDS module installed on it, which is designed for landing combat swimmers while submerged, Free News reports.

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