
Floating workshop of the Baltic fleet began servicing Russian Navy ships in the Syrian Tartus

Image source: http://www.severinform.ru

Moscow. December 24. INTERFAX-The crew of the floating workshop PM-82 has begun to ensure the activities of the permanent task force of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean sea, the Baltic fleet (BF) said on Thursday.

"In accordance with the rotation plan, the plavmasterskaya PM-82 made the transition from the Baltic to the Mediterranean Sea and became part of the permanent naval unit performing tasks in this area," the report said.

The crew of the workshop includes specialized specialists who are able to quickly carry out various types of ship repairs. The vessel can provide technical support to ships directly at sea and at their bases.

In the Mediterranean sea, a Russian squadron operates on a permanent basis, including up to 15 warships and support vessels. Russian frigates, as well as diesel submarines from the permanent connection of the Navy in the Mediterranean sea, have repeatedly struck "Calibres" at militants in Syria.

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