
"David's Sling" was tested in conjunction with" Arrow " and " Iron Dome»

Image source: U.S. Missile Defense Agency

The Ministry of Defense of Israel, together with the Directorate for Defense Research and Development, completed a series of tests of the David's Sling anti-missile system as part of the layered missile defense system. according to the israeli air force, during the tests, the complex successfully intercepted a target simulating a missile.

The territory of Israel is periodically subjected to rocket attacks. For protection, the Israeli military has built a layered missile defense system, which includes the complexes "Iron Dome" (Iron Dome), "David's Sling", "Arrow-2" and " Arrow-3 "(Arrow). In general, the system provides protection against missiles with a range of 70 to 2000 kilometers.

The development of the David's Sling complex was carried out with the participation of American companies Boeing and Raytheon since 2008. The system is designed to intercept ballistic missiles with a launch range of 70 to 300 kilometers. The cost of one interceptor missile of the "David's Sling" complex is about one million dollars. the first anti-missile battery was deployed in 2016 at the israeli air force base in hatzor.

during the tests of the "david's sling", the complex operated as part of a layered missile defense system together with the "strela" and "iron dome"complexes. Experts checked the interaction of the complex with other anti-missile systems. details about the inspections were not disclosed. the tests were considered successful.

At the end of 2019, the Israeli Defense Ministry [...] announced its intention to order enterprises of the military-industrial complex to develop combat laser installations that could be used to protect objects from unguided missiles and mortar mines. Thanks to the new complexes, the military plans to significantly reduce the cost of repelling missile strikes and reduce the response time to the start of shelling.

Vasily Sychev

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