
bae systems presented the appearance of the tank of the future for the us army, created under the mpf program

Image source: BAE Systems

the british corporation bae systems has shown a new design of a promising light tank, which is being created for the us ground forces under the mobile protected firepower program. In the future, the machine can complement the main battle tank M1.

BAE Systems has long been working towards creating a new tank for the US Army. We are talking about an ambitious program Mobile Protected Firepower (MPF), designed to find a relatively light (by the standards of main battle tanks) machine that will complement the famous M1 Abrams.

Recently, the British showed an updated design of the MPF contestant tank. We could see an early prototype of the combat vehicle [...] in 2018. It was built on the basis of the old M8 light tank, which the Americans abandoned in the 90s and which was originally created for another program.

The original version had a classic layout scheme. The tank received a 105-mm gun, as well as 12.7 and 7.62 mm machine guns. The engine is rated at 550 horsepower. The range on the highway was 480 kilometers.

the new tank, as you can see, has significant differences from the previously shown prototype. one of the main ones is the tower of increased size. It is likely to install a complex of active protection.

BAE Systems Concept

Image Source: BAE Systems

In addition to the main gun, the tank will receive several machine guns. the crew of the combat vehicle is three people. the weight and dimensions allow the tank to be transported on a c-130 military transport aircraft.

BAE Systems Concept

Image Source: BAE Systems

bae systems is not the only participant in the mobile protected firepower competition. this year, general dynamics corporation for the first time demonstrated to the public its prototype light tank, developed under the mobile protected firepower program. The engine is located in the front part, the tower is shifted back. high survivability of a combat vehicle on the battlefield should provide a complex of active protection.

tank from general dynamics

image source: general dynamics

in the foreseeable future, the us military will compare the built samples and make a final choice. Full-scale mass production of the winning car, according to previously submitted data, can begin this decade.

Recall that not so long ago, the US Defense Ministry presented several concepts of optional crew tanks, which can replace the M1 main battle tank in the future. Among the proposed options is a 64-ton combat vehicle equipped with a turret similar to that of the Leclerc tank. The weight of the other two variants is 54 and 59 tons, respectively.

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Comments [2]
20.12.2020 04:55
Летащий танк "Абрамс":

..и стреляющий в прыжке да ещё вбок, а не вперёд.
20.12.2020 09:28
Цитата, q
Полномасштабное серийное производство победившей в конкурсе машины, согласно ранее представленным данным, могут начать в этом десятилетии.
Это десятилетие через пару недель заканчивается.
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