
Japan will not be armed with American missiles

Image source: vpk-news.ru

The Japanese authorities refused to allocate funds in 2021 to equip their f-15 fighter jets with new American missiles, Kyodo reported on December 12, citing a source in the country's government.

According to the Agency, the project on financing the modernization of the fighter was planned to be included in the country's budget for the next financial year, but it was decided to postpone it due to large expenditures. The implementation involved the allocation of 21.3 billion yen ($205 million).

It is noted that the initial cost was about five times lower. Its increase is due to the fact that American manufacturers are running out of stocks of components necessary for the construction of missiles, and they will need to create new production lines.

Japanese authorities intended to complete the modernization of 20 of their F-15 fighter jets by 2027, a project driven by China's increasing defense power. But the current government decision will delay the implementation of this plan, the Agency's interlocutors added.

Eadaily notes that on June 21, it became known about Japan's plans to completely cancel the deployment plan for American-made Aegis Ashore missile defense systems due to their high cost, technical problems and slow deployment times.

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