
Russia to strengthen air defense of the Arctic-commander

Image source: Фото: TASS/AP/Vladimir Isachenkov

The Northern sea route is taken under reliable protection

Moscow. December 9. INTERFAX-Russia will strengthen air defense in the Arctic zone, said the commander of the Northern fleet Alexander Moiseev.

"The nearest long-term plans provide for further development of the air defense of the Russian segment of the Arctic and the Northern borders of our country, "he said in an interview with the Russian defense Ministry's Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper.

"Russia's national transport communication - the Northern sea route-is under reliable protection," the commander said.

According to him, modern s-400 Triumph air defense systems are on combat duty in the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, and units of the new anti-aircraft missile regiment equipped with S-300 systems are stationed in the North of Yakutia.

"Together with the rocket men, calculations of radio engineering units and aviation guidance points stationed both on the mainland coast of the Laptev sea and on Kotelny island took up combat duty," Moiseyev said.

S-400, S-300-long-range air defense systems (JSC "Concern of East Kazakhstan region "Almaz-Antey").

Last December, at a meeting in Moscow with military attaches, chief of the Russian General staff Valery Gerasimov said that Russia is against the presence of foreign warships on the Northern sea route.

"Today, our Armed forces are able to fully ensure the safety of navigation in the waters of the Northern sea route, and therefore there is no need for other countries' warships to be located in this sea corridor, " he said. Gerasimov called the Northern sea route "a historically established national transport communication".

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