
European drone ready for production


European countries are preparing to abandon American and Israeli drones. Yesterday, November 24, the press service Of the organization for joint cooperation in the field of weapons (OCCAR) announced the completion of negotiations with the Airbus Defense and Space Corporation and the readiness of the MALE RPAS program for the production stage.

OCCAR reported that the necessary conditions, cost and availability of technologies for production were met. Next year, it is planned to sign a contract for the development, production and initial operational support of 20 UAVs.

Render of the male RPAS drone

Image source: occar.int

OCCAR points out that all four participating countries of the MALE RPAS project have approved the transition of the program to the production stage. If the deadline for signing the contract is not shifted, the first flight of a European drone may take place as early as 2025, and in three years deliveries of serial drones will begin. Previously, the first flight of MALE RPAS was planned for 2023, and in 2025, the project participants were supposed to receive the first samples of drones.

A consortium of corporations Airbus Defense and Space, Dassault and Leonardo in 2017 agreed on the General requirements and appearance of the drone, which received the working name MALE RPAS (medium-altitude, long-endurance remotely piloted air system). The project participants are France, Germany, Italy and Spain. In addition to the male-type drone, the nEUROn unmanned stealth bomber is being developed in Europe.

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